Sunday broadcast

Fill out this form, follow us on our social network pages, share them with your friends so that they listen to your passage which is unique according to the programming you will receive by email.

Don’t forget that if you want more complete services, you have to pay the editing fees.

    Do You Agree With The Terms and Conditions Below regarding your submission?
    I AGREE...Music airing on CUF Radio is
    royalty free and solely for promotional purposes.
    I AGREE... I am giving College Underground FM a direct
    license authority and all
    permissions not to pay any royalty for any sound recordings or music
    works, lyrics or any copyrighted content.
    I AGREE...I am the sole owner of all
    copyrights and intellectual
    property rights associated with the material being submitted and
    nothing submitted includes any content which infringes upon any
    copyright or any intellectual property right or trademark of any
    company, entity, or any person living or dead. I am solely legally
    responsible and accountable for the recorded material being submitted.

    I AGREE...I am giving College Underground FM the right
    to broadcast all or only a
    selection of the material submitted completely royalty free for use in
    broadcasting, public play, or reproduction for broadcast. College Underground FM’s
    agents are not subject to any royalty collection by any entity in
    relation to the music or material being submitted. College Underground FM reserves
    the right to remove your music from our playlist if we find out that
    it infringes on any copyrights.
    I AGREE...All material submitted for
    broadcast are original recordings
    that are written, produced, composed, and performed by the artists or
    performers submitting the recordings. No Cover Music is allowed even
    if you have rights to use it, only original music can be submitted.
    There can be no explicit lyrics in the song. The submission of Cover Music as your own music will cause the rejection of all of your music from
    broadcast. (Cover music is considered any music not originally
    produced by the submitting artist, traditional music may be exempt if
    over 100 years old and proven to be in the public domain.)
    I AGREE...If submitting party is a music
    label, recording company,
    artist management, or agent, submitting party declares full ability to
    submit songs and is authorized by artist to accept the terms and
    conditions listed above.
    I AGREE...If submitting party is a music
    label, recording company,
    artist management or agent. They are fully responsible for all legal
    and monetary damages arising from any disputes with artist over
    royalty for songs played on College Underground FM [/acceptance]

    I AGREE...Terms subject to change without